Monday, November 4, 2019

Randolph Co. NC Wills, Estates #ncgenealogy #northcarolinapioneerscom

Randolph County Wills, Estates, Settlements, Guardianships, Deeds

Pisgah Covered BridgeRandolph County was taken from Guilford and Rowan Counties in 1779 and named for Peyton Randolph . It was the original location of present Duke University. A number of Quakers from England settled along the Haw, Deep and Eno Rivers. 

Genealogy Records available to members of North Carolina Pioneers


  • Wills, Estates, Inventories 1773 to 1794


  • Land Docket 1779 and 1780

Images of Wills, Estates, Inventories, Settlements, Guardianships, Deeds, Volume 1, 1773 to 1793

Barton, William | Baston, John | Beck, Jeffery | Boile, Conrad | Boyd, William | Campbell, Laughlin | Clark, Samuel | Clark, Thomas | Crawford, James | Davis, John | Davis, Ishmael Duffy, William | Francis, Daniel | Graham, Michael | Green, Robert | Hancock, John | Hanson, Joseph | Harman, George | Joyner, Henry | Kerr, Joseph | Killingsworth, Enoch | Lamb, Thomas | Lewis, Stephen | Logan, John | Lowrey, William | McCallom, Duncan | McLain, Robert to Jonathan Session (deed) | Pearce, Phillip | Pennington, Levi | Pickett, William | Roberts, William | Robbins, Joseph | Robinson, William | Sharp, Edward | Smith, Frederick | Stanfield, John | Taylor, Isaac | Thornborough, William | Walker, John | Walker, 
. . . more . . .

Index to North Carolina Wills and Estates

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