Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Reason to Examine Old Documents #genealogy

Good Reasons to Personally Examine Old Documents

Genealogy Tips by Jeannette Holland Austin

Genealogy Books by Jeannette Holland AustinPeople write some interesting stuff in their wills! Before we had the Internet, a convenient method of discovering the heirs was to read "abstracts" of wills, estates, deeds and marriages which were published in book. This tremendous undertaking by the authors of genealogy was insurmountable in brilliance. It saved the researcher a great deal of time. But now that we have access Internet to full documents on Georgia Pioneers. Reading the entire document is a boon to genealogists for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the heirs are mentioned with the details of their specific inheritance, and relationship to the deceased. Second, some of our previous assumptions taken from the abstracts can be clarified. Third, we can discover new information. And fourth, all the details are included, some of which the abstracter did not include because it was not clearly discernible on the old microfilm equipment. _____________________________________________________________________________ 

Images of Old Wills and Estates are available on (8 Genealogy Websites - includes records in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia).

Index to North Carolina Wills and Estates

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