Halifax County Wills and Estates
Halifax County Wills and other Records Available to Members of North Carolina Pioneers
images of Will Book 1758 to 1774
Testators: Andrews, Henry | Baley, Richard | Baylis, John; | Bell, George | Boykin, John | Brown, Samy | Bruce, Peter | Bryant, William | Bull, Thomas | Butler, Joseph | Bynum, James | Cox, William | Crudup, George | Daikers, Daniel | Desire, James Judge | Dur, John | Dyar, James | Edmonds, James | Emry, Green | Enlow, John | Fargason, William | Fuqua, William | Goodwin, George | Graves, George | Green, Thomas | Hardy, Hugh | Harris, Thomas | Haws, Henry | Heath, Thomas | High, Daniel | Hobgood, William | House, William | Jackson, James | Johnson, Peter | Jones, William | Langley, Thomas | Lattimore, Mary | Lempty, Hening | Linden, John | Mathis, Thomas Sr. | McKenzie, Barnaby | Merrit, Benjamin | Pavis, John | Peirce, Joseph | Perry, Patience | Pitts, Walter | Pope, Henery | Pope, Richard | Pope, Thomas | Pope, Thomas (2) | Powell, William | Reed, Susanna | Robbinson, William | Robertson, Henry | ; Smith, Drew | ; Smith, James | Studivent, Biggin | Tatum, Joshua | Taylor, James | Taylor, Roger | Thompson, William Riddle Hunt | Upshaw, William | Wallace, Michael | Waller, John | Wiggins, Thomas | Wilkins, Thomas | Williams, Francis | Williams, Jane | Williams, John | Williamson, Robert
Miscellaneous Wills 1775 to 1779
Gardner, Thomas
Lane, Joseph
Images of Halifax County Wills 1781 to 1824
Testators: Adams, James; Adams, John; Allen, James; Alsobrook, John; Alston, John; Alston, Joseph John; Ames, Thomas; Anderson, Nathan; Applewhite, Martha; Baker, James; Barker, Joshua; Barker, Stephen; Barnes, John; Barrow, Jacob; Barrow, William; Bass, Denis; Bass, John; Bell, Arthur; Bell, Elisha; Bell, Joshua; Bell, Marmaduke; Bellfort, I.; Bennett, William; Berryman, John; Berryman, Josiah Bird, Peter Bishop, Jonathan Bishop, William; Blount, Chloe; Blount, Robert; Bradford, John; Brady, John; Bradley, Benjamin; Bradley, Eleanor; Branch, John; Branch, William; Brantley, Robert; Brinkley, Jerry; Brinkley, Judith; Brinkley, William; Brinkley, William (2); Brown, Elias; Bruce, William; Bull, Moses; Burges, Stephen; Burgess, William; Burt, Stephen; Cain, James; Caplan, James; Carney, Richard; Carstorpher, James; Carter, Benjamin; Carter, Charles; Carter, Jacob; Carter, Joseph; Carter, Robert; Carter, Sarah; Clark, Elizabeth; Clopton, Walter; Coley, Charles; Cone, John; Cooper, John; Cooper, Thomas; Corlew, Lemuel; Corlin, Sarah; Cotton, Henry; Cotton, Joab; Cotton, William; Coupland, William; Counsel, Nathan; Cox, John; Crowell, Edward; Crowell, Thomas; Cullum, Jeremiah; Cullum, William Sr.; Daffin, John; Daniel, James; Daniel, John; Daniel, John (continued); Daniel, William; Davis, Croonsdale; Davis, Francis; Davis, Goodman; Davis, James; Davis, Mary; Davis, Nathan; Dawson, Henry; Dawson, John; Dickens, Henry Dickens, John; Dixon, Elisha Doles, Rebecher Dudley, Christopher Duberry, Joiles; Easley, James; Eaton, Thomas; Edingame, George; Edmonds, William; Edmondson, Bryant; Edmundson, Thomas; Edwards, Collene; Edwards, Jesse; Edwards, Martha; Eelbeck, Henry Eelbeck, Montfort; Elbanck, Elizabeth; Elbeck, Montford; Etheridge, Aaron; Emory, Edward; Etheredge, William; Even, Elizabeth; Everett, Jesse; Ezel, J. ; Faucett, James; Flewellen, Richard; Ford, Ann; Foreman, Benjamin ; Garland, Patrick; Gee, James; Gilmour, John; Good, Thomas; Grant, James; Gray, John; H. Gray, Joseph; Gray, Thomas; Griffin, Brinkley; Griffin, Esbell; Grimmer, William; Hadley, William; Hall, Frederick; Hall, Ignatius; Hall, Mary; Hall, Robert; Halloway, William; Hancock, Henry; Hardin, James; Hardin, William; Harper, Ambrose; Harris, Drury; Harris, Elias; Harris, Roe; Harris, Temperance; Harvey, William; Hawkins, Isham ; Hawkins, Joseph; Haynes, Christopher; Haynes, Thomas; Herbert, John; Hill, Calleos Hill, Sarah Hill, William; Hill, William (2); Hilliard, Margaret; Hinton, James; Hobgood, John; Hogan, James; Hogan, Lemuel ; Hollowell, Arthur; Hopkins, Joseph; Horn, Richard Horton, Samuel; Howell, Thomas; Hunter, Alice Hudson, Edward Hulm, John; Hulm, Mary; Humphries, Elijah; Hurst, Spencer; Iles, John; Irby, Elizabeth; Jackson, Edward Jackson, Thomas; Jarvis, William; Johnson, Elizabeth; Johnston, Abraham; Jones, Austin Curtis Jones B. Jones, David Jones, Joshua; Jones, Miller; Jones, Sarah; Jones, Thomas; Jones, Willie; Jones, Willie; Jones, William; Joyner, Bridgeman ;Joyner, Henry; Joyner, Patience Joyner, Theophilus Judge Sr.; Judkins, Nathaniel ;Kelley, James; Killingsworth, William; King, Edward; Knight, Ephraim; Lane, David Lane, Levi; Lane, Martha; Lane, William; Lane, William (2) ; Lindsay, Judah; Lock, John; Long, George W.; Long, Giles; Long, Mary; Long, Nicholas, Colonel; Lowe, William Jr.; Lowe, William; Lowry, Thomas; Lucas, Rebecca; Mallory, Francis; Martin, William; Marshall, Benjamin; Marshall, David; Marshall, John; Marshall, Starling; Mason, Elizabeth; Matthews, Gideon; Matthews, Moses; Matthews, Rape; McCollum, John; McCullock, Alexander; McDougall, James; McGregor, Cloe; McKinney, Sarah; Mecom, Mathew; Merritt, Ephraim; Merritt, Richard; Merritt, Thomas; Merritt, William; Mitchell, Elizabeth Montfort, Edward Montfort, Richard Moore, James; Moore, Mary; Moore, Reuben Moran, William; Morgan, Peter Morley, John; Morris, Griffin Morris, Hezekiah Morris, Philemon Moss, Richard Moye, Thomas; Muir, Robert Muir, William; Muncrief, William; Nelloms, Meredith Nelms, Josiah Nicholl, Jane Nichols, Luke Nichols, Thomas; Noblen, William; Norfleet, M. Parker, William; Partin, Jesse Pass, William; Passmore, Robert Pasteur, James; Pearce, Benjamin Pearce, Francis Pearce, Mary; Pearce, W. N. Pearman, William; Pemberton, Robert Perkins, Henry; Perkins, William; Perry, Hubbard Perry, John; Phillips, John; Pitman, Ambrose Pitman, Blake Pitman, Martha Pitman, Milley Pitman, Samuel; Pitman, William; Pitman, Zilphia Pom, John; Pope, Elijah Pope, Hardie Pope, William; Porter, Samuel; Porter, Samuel (2); Powell, John; Powell, John; (2) Powell, John; (3) Powell, Jordan Pritchett, Christopher Pritchet, John; Pritchett, Thomas; Pugh, Ann Pugh, David Pullen, William Sr.; Purnal, John; Quall, James; Quall, Mary; Read, Mary; Richardson, William; Rives, Timothy Roaper, John; Rogers, Thomas; Ross, Jacob Rutland, Shadrack Sampson, Stephen Sands, Barham Scurlock, Thomas; Sessions, Elenor Shane, James; Shaw, James; Shaw, John; Silgraves, John; Sills, Isham Simmons, L. Simmons, William; Sims, Robert Slatter, James; Sledge, Archibald ; Smith, Absally N. ; Smith, Amy ; Smith, Ann ; Smith, Arthur ; Smith, James; Sr. ; Smith, Joel ; Smith, John; ; Smith, John; (2) ; Smith, Peter ; Smith, Robert R. ; Smith, Samuel; ; Smith, Thomas; ; Smith, Thomas; (2) ; Smith, William; ; Smith, William; (2) Spann, Willis Stamper, Elizabeth Steel, Tabitha Steele, Richard Stiles, Thomas; Story, Sarah Strickland, Herman Sturdivant, Anderson Sturdivant, Jesse Sturdivant, Sarah Sumner, William Sutherlin, John; Tate, Francis Taylor, Joseph; Thrower, Thomas; Tillery, Eppy; Tillery, John; Towns, William Troughton, Mary; Turner, Edwin Turner, Jesse Turner, Nathan Turner, Thomas; Turner, William Turner, William (2); Vaden, George; Valentine, Daniel ; Vick, Benjamin Vincent, John; Vinson, Phillip; Wadley, Joseph; Wall, Robert; Waller, William; Watson, John; Watson, William Weaver, Henry; West, Israel Wheeless, Joseph Whitehead, Joseph Whitaker, Richard ; Whitmell, Thomas; Blount Wiggins, Arthur; Wiggins, William ; Williams, Charles ; Williams, Jesse ; Williams;, John; Williams, John; (2) ; Williams, John; Jr. ; Williams, Joseph John; ; Williams, Lucy ; Williams, Silvia ; Williamson, John; Willis, Augustine; Winter, Joseph ;Winter, Joseph (2) ;Winter, Thomas; Wootten, John; Wootton, William; Wright, Martha; Wright, Nancy; Wyatt, James; Yarbrough, George ;Young, George; Young, John; Zollicoffer, George
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