Monday, March 27, 2017

Fort Anderson NC History #northcarolinapioneers #genealogy

Fort Anderson was constructed in the lower Cape Fear Region of North Carolina upon the ruins of old Brunswick Town. It was originally named Fort St. Philip. Its purpose was to protect the inlets of the Cape Fear River and Wilmington. When the War Between the States came along, it was used as a Confederate Fort. It consisted of earthen batteries used as platforms and shields for the Confederate cannons. Beneath some of these earthworks were shelters thought to be "bomb-proof" shelters. Essentially, the Confederacy decided to construct forts along the Cape Fear River which would protect the port of Wilmington from the Union blockade. In addition to preventing Union ships from landing, the fort enabled blockade runners to use the river inlets to transport supplies to the Confederacy. 

Ft. Anderson
Ruins of Fort Anderson.

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