Wilmington and the Stamp Act
By Jeannette Holland Austin

port city of Wilmington opposed the Stamp Act. And, it had the support
of influential politicians who led the resistance against the North
Carolina Tories. Cornelius Harnett, a member of the General Assembly,
rallied his opposition to the Sugar Act of 1764. When the British
Parliament passed the Stamp Act the following year, the citizens of
protested. On October 19, 1765, several hundred townspeople gathered to
protest the new law and in the process burned an effigy of one person in
the town who favored the Act. Then, toasted "Liberty, Property and No
Stamp Duty." On October 31, another crowd assembled in the streets
representing the symbolic funeral of "Liberty" but before they could
burn their effigy, the patriots rallied.
When Dr. William Houston was appointed the Stamp Receiver for Cape Fear
he was surrounded by townsfolk who demanded to know whether he intended
to enforce the Stamp Act and while the town bell rang and drums beat, he
resigned his position.
Meanwhile, Governor William Tryon attempted to mitigate the opposition
to no avail. On November 18, 1765, he plead his case directly to
prominent residents who answered that the law restricted their rights.
Thus, when the stamps arrived on November 28th on the vessel
H. M. Sloop Diligence, Tryon ordered that the stamps be kept on board. Thereafter, shipping on the Cape Fear River ceased.
But trouble continued to brew. On February 18, 1766, two merchant ships
arrived at Brunswick Town without stamped papers. Each ship provided
signed statements from the collectors at their respective ports of
origin that there were no stamps available, but Captain Jacob Lobb of
the British cruiser
Viper seized the vessels. In response,
numerous residents from the southern counties met in Wilmington and
organized themselves as the "Sons of Liberty" pledging to block
implementation of the Stamp Act. The following day, as many as a
thousand men, including the mayor and aldermen of Wilmington, were led
by Cornelius Harnett to Brunswick to confront the defiant Governor
Tryon. A mob seized ships and forced royal customs officers and public
officials in the region to swear never to issue stamped paper. Note:
Parliament repealed the Stamp Act in March 1766. Find more about your
ancestors on
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