Sunday, August 28, 2016

Images of Union Co. NC Wills and Estates. See Names of Testators. #northcarolinapioneers #genealogy

Union County, NC Wills and Estates

Union County Golf Course Union County was formed in 1842 from parts of Anson and Mecklenburg Counties.

The county seat is Monroe. The first three will books are digitized here. Thus, the earliest surviving records begin in 1842. As reflected in the microfilming of old wills by the Secretary of the State of North Carolina, the ink on some wills was far too faded to read.

Among the early settlers wete the families of Marsh, MccCain, Phifer, Craig and Stewart.

Union County North Carolina Probate Records available to members of North Carolina Pioneers

Images of Union County Wills 1842 to 1858
Testators: Bass, Richard; Beasley, John; Bennet, Reding; Blackeney, Albert; Brooks, Mary; Burlison, Jonathan; Burnett, John; Burr, Stephen; Chaney, Noah; Chaney, Henry; Cherry, Joel; Clark, Burrell; Clark, John B.; Collins, Davis; Common, Julia M.; Criag, Elizabeth; Craig, Josiah; Crawford, C. J.; Crowell, Michael; Crowell, John; Cuthbertson, Moses; Davis, James; Deck, Edmund; Dozier, Samuel; Fincher, Lydia; Fincher, Silas; Gillam, William; Givens, Samue; Godfrey, Thomas; Griffin, Enoch; Griffin, Sarah; Griffin, Thomas; Harkey, Daniel; Harvey, Aaron; Hasley, James; Hasty, John; Helms, Gabriel B.; Helms, Hannah; Helms, Isaac; Heniger, Jacob; Houston, James; Howard, William; Jackson, Wiley; Jefferson, Enoch; Kirk, Edmund; Leonard, C. D.; Long, Jacob; Long, Johnl; Marsh, Simeon; Marsh, Solomon; Marshes, Solomon; Matthews, Isaac; McCain, Andrew; McCain, Hugh; McCain, John J.; McCain, W. E.; McCollum, Daniel; Moore, Jessie; Moore, William; Moors, Elijah; Morgans, James; Moses, Henry; Nisbet, Sarah; Norwood, E.; Osbourne, Alexander; Phifer, David; Phifer, Matthew; Phifer, Priscilla; Pott, William; Preston, Elias; Price, James; Price, William; Ren, John; Richardson, John; Richardson, Kinderic; Richardson, Sarah; Ritch, James M.; Rivens, James; Rogers, Elizabeth; Rogers, Thomas; Rushing, A. D.; Secrest, Andrew; Sikes, Hannah; Simpson, Irwin; Simpson, John; Sitts, Mary; Slitt, Jane; Smith, Cullen; Smith, John M; Stegall, George; Stevens, Squire; Stewart, A. H.; Stewart, Hugh; Stewart, Joseph; Stewart; Reuben; Stewart, Silas; Stills, Susannah; Thomas, John R.; Thomas, Osborne; Watkins, Robert; Whitley, Addison; Will, James; Wilson, Hugh; Wilson, Sarah; Winchester, Mary; Wolf, Jacob
Images of Wills 1869 to 1897

Testators: Anderson, Sarah ; Arout, John; Atwood, David ; Austin, Jonathan; Austin, Jonathan L. ; Austin, Vernon ; Baker, George ; Barino, Charles ; Bass, John ; Belk, Amelia ; Bickett, Thomas ; Boyte, Martha ; Braswell, Aquilla ; Braswell, Cullen; Brown, Burrel; Carpenter, William; Clonts, Adam ; Collins, William ; Corder, Lewis ; Covington, D. A.; Covington, David ; Covington, Susan; Craige, Matilda; Crowell, A. S.; Cureton, Eliza; Curlee, Sarah ; Davis, Sampson ; Doster, H. M.; Doster, James W. ; Duncan, W. W. ; Dunlap, Sarah; Griffin, William; Edwards, John; Erwin, Adelaide; Evans, Albert ; Gardener, Jesse; Gathings, Jane; Givens, Jane; Glenn, Elizabeth; Godwin, Simon; Gordon, Rebecca ; Greene, Beedy; Green, J. E. ; Griffin, A. Hurley; Griffin, Jesse; Griffin, M. E. ; Griffin, Thomas; Griffin, William; Griffin, William ; Gurley, Ezekiel; Hagler, Charles; Hamilton, G. S.; Hargett, A. J. ; Hargett, David; Hargett, Elizabeth ; Hargett, James; Harkey, J. ; Harkey, John ;Harris, Elizabeth ; Harris, Salathiel ; Hartsell, Andrew ; Hasty, Rachel ; Hasty, Stephen ; Hays, John ; Haywood, James; Heath, James ; Helms, Asa ; Helms, Emanuel ; Helms, Isam; Helms, H. J. ; Helms, Michael ; Helms, Samson ; Hemby, Eli ; Hemby, Margaret ; Hemby, Thomas ; Honeycutt, Demsey; Horn, James ; Houston, B. J.; Houston, John; Houston, William ; Houston, William W. ; Howard, Jacob ; Howey, David; Howey, Nancy; Hudson, Joseph; Hudson, Joseph ; Ivey, Sarah ; King, Elenor ; Laney Burton ; Lewis, Thomas ; Lewis, W. C. ; Liles, David; Lindsay, Sherwood ; Little, Aaron ; Long, Henry T. ; Long, Henry (2) ; Love, John; Lowrie, Margaret ; Marsh, Thomas ; Massey, Mary ; McCain, Hugh; McClain, Jane ; McCollum, James ; McLarty, Archibald; McManus, George ; Medley, Nancy ; Mills, Jackson ; Mills, James ; Moore, Pleasant ; Mullis, Calvin ; Mullis, Frances; Nance, John; Nesbit, Millie; Newsom, William ; Osborne, Michael ; Parker, Elijah; Parker, Peter ; Peninger, Jacob ; Polk, Andrew; Polk, Sarah ; Presson, Samuel ; Price, Albert ; Price, Daniel ; Price, Martha ; Pyron, Samuel ; Pyron, Sarah ; Rafe, Susanah ; Ramsay, W. C. ; Rea, John ; Rice, Clarinda ; Ritch, G. W.; Rogers, Russell ; Ross, Sherwood ; Rowland, Sherwood ; Rowland, Thomas ; Russell, David ; Russell, Samantha ; Russell, Sarah ; Secrest, Abram J. ; Secrest, Ephraim ; Sell, Mary J. ; Shell, Henry; Shute, John ; Simms, John Thomas; Simpson, David ; Simpson, Jackson ; Smith, J. E. W.; Starnes, J. B.; Steele, Richard ; Stewart, Elizabeth; Stewart, Harriet ; Stilwell, John ; Taylor, Thomas ; Thomas, Jacob ; Thomas, John ; Thompson, James ; Thompson, S. B. ; Thweatt, Frederick; Vann, J. J. ; Walker, Abram E. ; Walker, Elijah ; Walkup, E. J. ; Walkup, Samuel ; Walkup, Samuel H. ; Wentz, Jeremiah ; Whitfield, W. J. ; Williams, Abel ; Winchester, Thomas Jr.

Indexes to Probate Records
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