Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Images of Stokes Co. NC Wills & Estates #genealogy #northcarolinapioneers

Stokes County Wills and Estates

Hanging Rock

Stokes County was formed in 1789 from Surry County and was named for Capain John Stokes, who was wounded during the American Revolutionary War when the cavalry of British Colonel Banastre Tarleton almost destroyed the Virginia Regiment led by Colonel Abraham Buford in the Waxhaws region in 1780. After the war, Captain Stokes was appointed a judge of the United States district court for North Carolina. In 1849 the southern half of Stokes County became Forsyth County. The county seat is Danbury.

Stokes County Probate Records available to members of North Carolina Pioneers

Images of Wills, Inventories, Estates 1792 to 1800, Vol. 1
  • Adaman, Thomas | Armstrong, John | Armstrong, Martin | Atwood, William | Aust, Mary
  • Bagge, Frangat | Bagge, Traugett | Banner, Henry | Billing, Joseph | Binkley, Christian | Binkley, Joseph | Binkley, Peter | Blackburn, John | Bowman, Edmond | Boyer, Aaron | Boyer, Henry | Briggs, Thomas | Bright, John | Brown, John
  • Cannon, Benjamin | Cannon, Hinningham | Carrell, Thomas M. | Carson, Michael | Carson, William | Chandler, William | Christmon, Balthasa | Clayton, Britain | Colon, Johanna Elizabeth | Crook, Isam | Crook, James
  • Davis, Mary | Davis, William | Deange, Michael | Deatherage, George | Doles, Henry | Ebert, Eva Barbara | Ebert, Martin Jr. | Elmore, Abijah | Esterline, Ann Maria | Esterline, Matthew | Evans, Edward | Evans, Thomas
  • Farmer, John | Farr, John |Fogler, Michael | Folk, Andrew | Fry, Valentine | Gammell, John | Gammett, James | Geoffert, George | Glen, James | Glenn, John | Griner, Robert | Guinn, Almand
  • Ham, Joseph | Ham, Joseph (2) | Hamm, Daniel | Hampton, Henry | Hauser, George | Hepler or Hessler, Abraham | Hill, Isaac | Hilsabeck, Frederick | Hine, John Jacob | Hinshaw, George | Hinshaw, John | Hoy, John Van | Hudspeth, Giles | Hummel, Christian | Hurst, James
  • Jackson, James Sr. | James, David | Johnson, David | Jones, William | Joyner, William | Kimbrough, Thomas | Kirby, Henry
  • Ladd, William | Lawton, Joseph | Lewis, William | Lindsey, John | Linebach, Abraham | Linebach, Lewis | Love, James, Sr. | Love, James Sr. (estate) | Lytz, Phillip
  • Markhorns, John | Markland, Matthew | Martin, Moses | Martin, Robert | Mayer, Jacob | McAnnally, Jesse | McMurry, Robert | Melton, John | Miller, Jacob | Millwood, James | Mosby, Samuel | Nash, John | Neely, John
  • Padgel, Benjamin | Parker, Jeptha | Pattison, Andrew | Peddycourt, Sarah | Pennegar, Peter | Petree, John | Petree, Sarah | Pitts, William | Reddick, Hardy | Rigg, Thomas
  • Sale, Rachel | Sanders, Nahum | Sides, Michael | Simpson, Abraham | Smith, Christian | Smith, Robert | Southern, William | Spragen or Sprague, Joseph | Sprague, Joseph (estate) | Stewart, Alexander | Swann, Benjamin
  • Tate, Rachel | Thomason, John Sr. | Todd, Joseph | Transon, Philip | Vest, William Sr. | Warnock, Samuel | Weaver, Christian | Webb, William | Wilson, John | Woods, John | Wright, Elizabeth | Yarrell, Peter
Images of Stokes County Will Bk 2, 1801 to 1816
  • Alford, William | Angel, Jobe | Aust, George
  • Ballard, Thomas | Banks, John | Banner, Benjamin | Barnard, Tristram | Beasly, Richard | Beasley, William | Beazley, Robert | Benzein, Christian Lewis | Bettiter, Zebada | Binnegar, William | Blume, Jacob | Bohannon, James | Bolecheek, Joseph | Bolling, Anthony | Bond, Samuel | Bostick, Absalom | Brooks, David | Brown, Elizabeth | Burchin, Henry | Burge, Alexander | Butner, Christopher | Bynam, Gray | Clayton, John | Cofer, James | Conrad, John | Cook, John | Cox, Richard | Cressman, George | Curry, Malcom
  • Dalton, Samuel | Davis, Henry | Davis, John | Davis, Sarah | Davis, William | Dawson, John | Deathorage, George | Dodson, Reuben | Doll, Nicholas | Dollar, John
  • East, Thomas Sr. | Ebert, Martin | Ernst, Anna Catharine | Fedler, Godfrey | Ferguson, Jack | Flynt, Haslin | Fole, Peter | Foster, Andrew | Fountain, Stephen | Frazer, Stephen | French, William | Fry, Michael Sr. | Fry, Valentine | Fuller, Godfrey
  • Gaines, Thomas | Gideon, Margaret | Goslin, Elizabeth | Gruggs, Thomas
  • Haisley, John | Hamilton, Robert Sharp | Hampton, James | Hampton, Samuel | Hanns, Jacob | Hauns, Martin | Hauser, Frederick | Heath, Thomas | Hauser, George Peter | Haynes, Robert | Hawkins, William | Hazlet, Robert | Heal, John | Hester, John | Hester, Mary | Hill, Matthew Sr. | Hine, John | Hine, Philip | Hoffman, George | Holland, John | Howell, William | Hunter, John Sr. | Hunter, Thomas
  • Jean, William Sr. | Johnson, Robert | Jones, Gabriel | Kainzel, Frederick | Kellum, John | Kapp, Jacob | Kerr, John | Kinsel, Salome | Kraup, Gottleb | Ladd, Constantine | Lagename, Phillip | Lawson, John | Lawson, Jonas | Linville, David | Lowray, Isabel | Ludwick, Peter
  • Majors, John Sr. | Marshall, Frederick William | Martin, Abraham Sr. | Martin, William | Martin, William (1812) | Matthews, James | McAnnally, Charles | McKillip, Andrew | McKillip, Hugh | Meaum, Nancy | Mickey, John | Miller, Jacob | Miller, Joseph | Moore, Alexander | Moore, Matthew | Morris, Hammond | Morris, Pressley
  • Neal, Thomas | Nelson, Joseph | Niding, Mathew | Null, Jacob | Nunn, John | Oliver, Peter | Paterson, John | Patterson, Joseph | Peddycourt, William Barton | Penyear, John | Perry, Jonathan | Phillips, Richard | Pitts, Samuel | Plaff, Joseph | Petree, Henry | Petree, Jacob
  • Rank, Michael | Raper, Thomas | Rights, John | Rights, John Sr. | Roark, Elijah | Roberts, James Dudley | Robertson, William H. | Rothrock, Jacob | Russell, Mary | Rutledge, William
  • Schawils, Andrew | Seiler, John | Shamel, John | Shelton, William Jr. | Shreyer, John Peter | Shouse, Henry | Smith, Henry | Smith, Robert | Smith, William | Sprinch, George | Stewart, David | Stocker, Henry | Stockton, Daniel | Swain, William
  • Tagus, Michael | Tatum, John | Taylor, William | Thanchour, Jacob | Thomas, Phillip | Thomason, George | Vernon, Jonathan | Vest, William Sr.
  • Waggoner, Samuel | Waggoner, William Sr. | Walker, William | Weaver, Michael | Whitlock, Charles | Willets, Henry | Williams, Owen | Winston, Joseph Sr. | Wohlfart, Jacob | Woolfolk, Richard | Woodson, Tucker | Zimmerman, John
Images of Stokes County Will Bk 3, 1817 to 1837

Barnes, Martha | Barr, Isaac | Bartly, Sarah | Beason, William | Beazley, Charles | Beazley, Jeremiah | Beck, John Sr. | Belling or Bitting, Maria | Benzuin, William Lewis | Bibighan, Christine | Billettes, Alexander | Bitting, Elizabeth | Blake, John | Blackburn, Young | Blum, Henry | Boehls, John Frederick | Boles, Alexander Sr. | Boles, Janus | Bostick, Frederick | Boswell, Verlinda | Boyles, William | Brandon, Thomas | Branson, Zachariah | Brown, Rice | Butner, Thomas

Camplin, Jacob | Carver, George | Childress, William | Chitty, Charles Sr. | Christ, Rudolph | Christman, Daniel | Christman, John Daniel | Clampitt, Richard | Clements, Benjamin | Clove, John | Coller, Joseph | Connell, John | Cook, John William Jacob | Cook, William | Cosan, Anthony | Cox, Joshua Jr. | Cox, Mary | Cox, Mildred | Cox, Mildred (1825) | Craig, William | Crews, David | Crews, James | Crimm, Jacob | Critendon, Chrisanna | Croom, Limon | Crun, Conrad |

Dalton, David | Dalton, Isaac | Dawson, Elizabeth | Dawson, Naomy | Dobson, William | Douk, Mary Eve | Douthit, Isaac | Duggins, John | Duncan, Thomas | Eads, Isaac | Early, Asa | Elrod, Maria | Endsley, Andrew | Estes, Robert | Fair, Michael Sr. | Fars or Farr, Mary Ann | Fedral, Samuel | Fidler, Peter | Fishel, Jacob | Fisher, George | Flynt, Thomas | Fochel, Maria Rosina | Fountain, Jane | Forst, James B. | Francis, Micajah | Freeman, John | Fry, John

Gambold, John | Gatewood, Dudley | Geiger, Adam | Gentry, Richard | Goode, Thomas | Graff, Joshua | Green, Philip | Green, Susannah | Grobs, William |Guinn, Thornton P. Sr. | Hairston, Peter | Hanes, George | Hardman, John | Harper, Zephaniah | Harper, Jane | Hart, Anny | Hartt, Henry | Hauser, Abraham | Hauser, Catharine | Hauser, Heinrich | Hauser, John L. | Heath, John | Hedgecock, William | Hein, Juliana Catharine | Heinz, Christian | Hendrick, Nathaniel | Henley, John | Henning, John Adam | Hess, George Jr. | Hessler, Maria Salome | Hester, John | Hicker, James W. | Hill, Richard | Hill, Robert | Hine, Johanna | Hine, Peter | Hitchcock, Nancy | Holder, Johanna | Holston, Adam | Hoofman, Lewis | House, Jonathan | Huffman, Henry | Hutcherson, Joseph | Hutchins, Frederick

James, John | Jessup, Joseph | Johnson, Ashley | Jones, Cadwaller | Jones, Sarrah | Jones, Thomas | Joyce, Alexander | Joyce, William B. | Kasky, Frederick | Kellum, Ann | Kelly, Benjamin | Kerner, Joseph | Kilner, Francis Sr. | King, John | Kiser, Barbara | Kook, Thomas | Kinnaman, John | Kracken, Elizabeth Green | Krameck, Samuel | Kreeger, Frederick | Kreeger, Henry | Kreegan, John | Krouse, John | Krouse, Samuel | Kruger, Jacob | Kushke, John Fred

Last, Nathaniel | Lawson, Elisha | Ledford, John | Lewis, Jacob | Lide, Elizabeth | Lindman, Henry | Loflin, Martha | Logenauer, George | Long, Frederick
  • Mans, Henry Sr. | Mansell, Robert | Marshall, Martin | Martin, John | Martin, John Sr. | McCarter, Aaron | Mendenhall, Joseph | Miller, Frederick | Miller, Harman | Miller, John | Moody, Alexander | Moore, Reubin | More, W. | Moses, Peter | Neal, Thomas | Nelson, Isaac | Newman, Charles | Nunns, Elizabeth | Nuns, Willia

  • Panther, William | Pearce, Jacob | Peter, Simon | Pfaff, Isaac | Phillips, Colly | Philips, John | Pitts, John | Preston, Weatherington | Priddy, George

    Ransom, Joseph | Rank, Elizabeth | Rank, Gottleb | Ray, George | Reaves, Charles | Redenon, Caty | Reich, Catherina | Reich, Christopher | Reich, Elizabeth | Reich, Matthew Reid, Jacob | Reynolds, Archibald | Rich, Samuel | Ridings, John | Rights, Maria Magdalene | Rights, Matthew | Rippel, Henry | Robinson, Israel | Robinson, Jacob | Rominger, Michael | Rominger, Michael (1824) | Rothrock, Philip | Ruchel, Benjamin

    Samuel, Henry | Samuel, Ruben | Scales, Joseph | Schrisler, Gottleb | Schultz, Dorothea | Schaub, Hanah | Schaub, John Jacob | Sell, John | Shamel, John | Shields, Abel | Shober, Nathaniel | Shore, Henry | Shore, Peter | Shultz, Thomas | Sikes, Lorenzo | Sisk, Salley | Smith, Thompson | Snider, Philip | Spainhauer, Henry | Spainhauer, John Jacob | Spainhauer, Michael | Sprinkle, Betsy | Sprinkle, George | Sprinkle or Stikle, Gottlieb | Starbuck, Paul | Steiner, Abraham | Stotts, Samuel | Stutly, Henry | Stutts, John | Sutton, Joseph

    Taylor, George | Teague, John | Thomason, John | Thomason, Sarah | Tilly, Edmund | Transon, Abraham |Transon, Maria Catharine | Vaughn, Zebulon | Vest, John |Vogler, Christpher | Von Schweinitz, Lewis David | Waggoner, Adam | Waggoner, Gabriel | Wickes, Elijah | Wilkerson, Mercy | Willard, George | Wolff, Ann Penes | Wolff, Isaac | Wolff, Lorentz | Wray, William | Wright, John | Young, James | Young, Sarah

    Images of Stokes County Will Bk 4, 1837 to 1864

    Alspough, Henry | Angell, Silas | Arnold, Hezekiah | Ashby, John W. | Bagge, Charles Frederick (1837) | Bagge, Charles Frederick | Banner, Benjamin Sr. | Banner, Joseph Sr. | Banner, Sally W. | Barber, Travis | Barrow, Moses Sr. | Bitting, John | Bitting, John L. | Blackburn, Bryser | Blackburn, Gabriel M. | Blackburn, John T. | Blackburn, Winifred | Blum, Catharine | Bohanon, John | Bolrd, Benjamin | Boljack, Joseph | Bouldin, Ephraim | Bowman, Andrew | Boyer, Anna | Boyer, William | Brinkley, Crosley | Bristz, Christian | Brown, John | Brown, Nathan | Brown, Thomas | Brown, William M. | Burkhard, John | Butler, Harmon | Butler, Thomas | Bynum, Hampton

    Carr, Jane | Carter, Anderson | Carter, Elizabeth | Carter, Henry | Cash, Christian | Chambers, John W. | Chowder, Charles Gottleb | Chrissman, Elizabeth | Clampett, William | Clark, Jacob | Cole, William C. | Conner, John | Conrad, Jacob | Conrad, Solomon | Cretz, William | Crews, Augustain | Crews, Edward | Crews, Frederick | Crews, Thomas | Croom, Elizabeth | Cunningham, James

    Dalton, Christina | Dalton, Jubles | Daub, Jacob | Davis, James | Denke, Christian Frederick | Dun, Solomon | Eason, Bethenia | Eason, Susanna Edwards, Edward| Edwards, Edward H. | Elrige, Elizabeth | Farmer, Barnard | Faw, Daniel | Faw, William | Fiskel, John Adam | Flippin, Samuel | Flynt, Elisabeth | Flynt, Richard Fotts, Barbara | Fotts, Jacob | Francis, John | Frances, Sarah | Frost, Elizabeth | Fry, Jesse | Fry, Massy | Fulton, Francis

    Gardner, William | Garth, Thomas | Gibson, Jeremiah | Gibson, Sarah | Glidewell, John L. | Gordon, Francis | Griffith, William | Guinn, Davis B. | Hagen, John | Hall, Wilchin | Hamilton, Horatio | Hartman, Rebecca | Hauser, Solomon | Hege, Eve | Hester, Robert T. | Hill, Joel | Hill, John | Holder, Mary K. | Hottern, Magnus | Huff, John | Hutchins, Robert | Hutchins, Tandy J.

    Jackson, Hannah | Johannah, Anna | Joyce, John | Joyce, Robert | Joyce, Thomas | Joyce, William T. | Keiger, George | Ketner, Frederick | King, N. S. | King, Thomas | Kiser, Michael | Kiser, Michael Jr. | Kitner, Matthew | Knott, William | Kreuser, Conrad | Kruger, Anna Margaret H.

    Lanier, Jacob | Larimore, James | Lasley, Joseph | Linbeck, Barbara | Lindsey, Joseph P. | Linville, David Sr. | Lyon, James | Mabe, Reuben | Marshall, Amos | Martin, Edmond T. | Martin, Martha | Martin, Mary | Mathews, Mary S. | McAnally, Elizabeth | McKnight, George | Meredith, Elisha | Miller, Morgan | Mitchell, Adam | Moody, Nathaniel | Moore, Susannah C. | Moore, William C. | Neal, Conrad | Null, John Sr.

    Owen, Isham | Owen, Jesse | Pell, Nancy | Pfohl, Christian Thomas | Pfohl, Dorothea Elizabeth | Plummer, Thomas | Poindexter, Gabriel | Porr, Hannah | Preston, Nathaniel | Ray, Mary | Redman, Harmon | Reed, Prudence M. | Richardson, Green L. | Rippel, Martin | Roark, Timothy | Rouse, John Edwin | Rush, Lewis | Rush, Verona | Rutledge, Isabella

    Salmon, Lucinda | Sams, Elijah | Schaap, Christian Frederick | Schaub, Maria | Seals, Absalom | Scott, Leonard | Shepperd, Giles L. | Shields, Reuben | Shipp, Thomas | Shober, Emanuel | Shober, Gottlieb | Shore, Henry | Shore, Jacob Shore, John, Sr. (1844) | Shore, John, Sr. | Shott, Eva Barbara | Shouse, Anna | Shutt, Charles | Sides, Philip | Simmons, Matthew | Smith, John Sr. | Smith, Mary | Spainhauer, David | Spainhauer, John | Spanch, Frederick | Spence, John | Spurgin, William | Stanley, Christopher | Stanley, Samuel | Stockburger, Sarah | Stotts, Casper | Stotts, John | Strup, Ephraim | Stutts, Simon | Stutz, Henry | Swain, Jonathan | Swain, Mary Magdalene

    Telley, Edmund | Taylor, Josiah | Teague, William | Teague, William Sr. | Tilly, David | Tilly, Joel | Tucker, Joel | Tuggle, John | Tuttle, Thomas | Van Beck, Charles A. | Vance, John | Vaughn, Ann | Vawter, Bradford | Vawter, John | Virling, Martha Liz

    Waggoner, Lewis | Walker, Robert | Waller, Henry | Ward, John | Ward, William I. | Washby, John | Webb, Elijah | Welch, Thomas | Welfare, Daniel | White, Thomas | Wilkins, John Sr. | Williams, James | Wilson, Milley | Winkler, Christian | Wolff, Lewis | Wood, John | Young, Robert | Young, William Sr. | Ziglar, Benjamin | Ziglar, L. | Ziglar, Leonard | Zimmerman, James | Zimmerman, Reuben | Zimmerman, Reuben (1838)

  • Lutherans in Stokes County
    By Jeannette Holland Austin Jeannette Holland Austin

    In the year of 1786 Rev. Christian Eberhardt Bernhardt, a native of Stuttgard, in the kingdom of Würtemberg was sent on his mission to America. Bernhart was ordained in his native country, and landed at Savannah, and then proceeded to Ebenezer, Georgia, where he remained for twelve months. In 1787 he went to Rowan County, North Carolina and labored among the churches to the East of the Yadkin River (Davidson County). In 1788 he took charge of the congregations in Stokes and Forsyth Counties, which had been organized and frequently visited by Rev. Nussmann. It was in Stokes County that Rev. Bernhardt was married, but the records do not mention the name of his wife. One year later he removed to Guilford County, where he remained to the close of the year 1800, when he accepted the call to become the pastor of Zion's and several other Lutheran Churches in Lexington District, South Carolina.

    Source: Account furnished by his daughter-in-law, the widow of the late Rev. David Bernhardt; History of the Lutheran Church in North Carolina Bernheim, G. D., 1872, Volume 08, Pages 758-796

    Map of Stokes County

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