By Jeannette Holland Austin (Profile)
When the Europeans were settling the colonies during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the Chowanoac Indians occupied both banks of the Chowan River in Northeastern North Carolina. They spoke the Algonquian language which is said to mean " people at the south." Their villages and lands covered Gates, Hertford, Bertie and Chowan Counties. Their neighbors were the Iroquoian Mongoak (later Tuscarora) to the south and west of Salmon Creek in Bertie County, the Algonquian Weapemeoc were neighbors east of Rockyhock Creek in Chowan County. When Sir Walter Raleigh was colonizing from 1584 to 1590, the Chowanoac were probably the most powerful of the Carolina Algonquians. The Chowanoac took offense to English encroachment during 1666 when and violence broke out upon the settlers occupying the western side of the Chowan River. Eventually, however, as the English continued their settlements, the Chowanoac abandoned their lands west of the river. The Chowanoac were one of the tribes which ignited the rebellion of Nathaniel Bacon in 1676 but who were subdued in 1677. There were less than 200 Indians left and the Chowanoac were placed on a reservation of 12 square miles in Gates County. At the onset of the Tuscarora War of 1711 to 1713, the Chowanoac could muster only fifteen warriors to fight with the English against their historic Iroquoian neighbors to the west. It was during this era that the tribe suffered both at the hands of their enemies as well as the English which prompted the chief (John Hoyter) to petition the colonial government for protection. The result was that the tribe was reduced to six square miles, losing some of its best lands. After about a year they did not have enough people to farm the land and the tribal leaders asked the colonial government to sell 2,050 acres. They continued selling their lands during the next twenty years. By 1751 the tribe had ceased to exist.
Chowanoac Indians.
Caswell County Wills and Estates
Caswell County was established in 1777 and was the first county in the State. It was carved out of Orange County and was named after Richard Caswell, the first governor of the new State of North Carolina.
Caswell County Wills, Estates, Deeds 1783 to 1792
Allen, Robert | Allison, John Jr. | Anthony, John | Atkinson, John | Atkinson, Robert | Austin, William | Barker, George | Barker, James | Bass, Stephen | Baxter, Thomas | Beale, Sarah | Berry, William | Black, George | Black, Henry | Bomar, Royal | Bowles, Sarah | Brackin, Samuel | Bradley, James | Brooks, Richard | Brooks, Thomas | Brown, Samuel | Browning, Jacob | Browning, Nicholas | Bryant, Edward | Bryant, John | Buhsnoro, John | Bumpass, Edward | Bumpass, Samuel | Burch, John | Burton, Charles | Burton, Robert | Butler, Nancy
Campbell, John | Carmichal, Duncan | Carnal, Patrick | Cate, John Jr. | Cate, Joshua to William Person | Chambers, Josiah | Chambers, William | Christenbury, Aaron | Clayton, John Sr. | Clayton, Thomas | Coleman, Spillsby | Colman, John | Cooper, John | Corbin, David | Crisp, John | Crumpton, James | Culbertson, Robert | Cummins, William | Currie, John
Dalton, Isham | Davey, Gabriel | Dean, Jane | Deekins, Robert | Delahay, Arthur Dickins, Robert | Dickson, Michael | Dobbin, Hugh | Dollarhide, Ezekiel | Donaldson, Hannah | Douglass, John | Douglass, Thomas | Dowell, John | Duly, Mathew | Duncan, Daniel | Duncan, Jesse | Duncan, Miles
Enoch, Andrus | Estes, Reubin | Farley, Elizabeth | Farley, Josiah | Farley, Moses | Farley, Nathaniel | Farley, Stuart| Farqueher, James | Ferrell, Charles | Fletcher, J. A. | Fletcher, James | Flynn, Patrick | Frazier, Catherine | Fuller, Henry Sr. | Fury, Martha | Gardner, Edwin | Gerton, Benjamiin | Gibson, Mary Cooper (alias Gibson) | Glenn, William | Gold, Daniel | Goodman, Benjamin | Graves, James | Graves, John | Greene, Shadrack | Greer, Samuel Gulling, Elizabeth
Hall, David | Haman, Bazilla | Hamblin, Stephen | Haralson, Elkanah | Haralson, Ezekiel | Harris, Christopher | Harris, Tyree | Harrison, Samuel | Harrison, Thomas | Henly, Darby | Hewlett, Sarah | Hightower, Tavener to John Dobbin | Hill, James | Hissom, Thomas | Hodge, John | Holman, Richard | Howard, Francis | Hugh, Gabriel
Jamison, William | Johnson, Thomas | Johnston, Francis | Johnston, Robert | Johnston, Samuell | Jouett, Mathew Kersey, John | Landman, James | Lea, James | Lea, John | Lea, Mary | Lea, William | Leath, Freeman | Ledbetter, Joel | Lewis, Fielding | Lewis, John | Long, Ambrose | Long, Benjamin | Long, Reubin | Lowe, John Sr. | Lyons, John
Man, Davidl | Mann, John | Mann, William F. | Mann, William | Mann to Rankin | Marshall, John | Mastin, Tarpley | McIntosh, Alexander | McKeen, Hugh | Miles, Alexander | Miles, Hannah | Miles, Jacob | Miller, Alexander | Mincey, John | Mincey, Richard | Mitchell, John | Montgomery, Mary Moore, John | Moore, Moses | Moore, Stephen | Moore, William | Morris, Samuell | Morrison, Alexander | Motheral, John | Mun, William | Murphey, Archibald
Neeley, Thomas | Nipper, William | Ogletree, John | Paine, James | Paine, Robert | Palmer, Thomas Sr. | Parker, Aaron | Parker, Jonas | Parr, William | Paschal, William | Patterson, Gideon | Perkins, John | Phelps, James | Plyea, Laughlin | Pogue, Joseph | Poteete, John | Prescod, Spencer | Pryor, Elizabeth | Quiney, William
Ragsdale, John | Rainey, William | Rankin, William | Ray, Robert | Reece, James | Rice, Thomas | Richmond, John | Roberts, John | Robertson, Jacob | Robertson, John | Robertson, Samuell | Robertson, Thomas | Rose, Alexander | Rosebrough, George | Rowark, David and Elisha | Rowark, Elisha
Sanders, Daniel | Sanders, James | Sawyer, William | Scott, John | Shackleford, Francis | Shearman, James | Shelton, Benjamin | Shelton, Davidl | Shy, John | Simpson, Richard | Smith, Anne | Smith, John | Smithurst, John | Stafford, Adam | Stansbury, Solomon | Stone, William
Tate, Waddy | Taylor, Mary | Taylor, Reubin | Terry, Ollioe | Thomas, Anne to William Tunks | Thomas, Davidl | Tunks, Thomas | Turley, Moses | Van Hook, Davidl | Van Hook, Loyd | Van Hook, Thomas
Wallington, Armistead | Ward, Richard | Webb, Robert | Williams, Henry | Williams, Lewis | Williams, William | Williamson, Benjamin and Henry | Williamson, Jeremiah | Williamson, Joseph | Williamson, Stephen | Willingham, Thomas | Willison, Henry | Winstead, Ailsey Womack, John | Woody, John | Wynne, Thomas | Young, Bartlett
Caswell County Wills, Estates, Deeds 1792 to 1800
Abel, William | Adams, John | Allen, Charles | Anglin, Cornelius | Anthony, Jonathan | Anthony, Sally | Anthony, Usley
Baldwin, Henry | Barker, James | Baker, William | Barrons, Mary | Beasley, Thomas | Bolen, Isaac | Boman, Royal | Booker, William | Boulson, Thomas | Boulter, Charles Jr. | Bowers, Bartholomew | Boyd, William Sr. | Brooks, Christopher Williams | Brooks, Richard | Brooks, Thomas | Brown, John | Brown, Joseph | Brown, Sarah | Bruce, Robert | Bullis, Samuell | Burch, William | Burford, Benjamin | Burris, Mary | Burton, Andrew | Burton, James | Burton, John | Burton, orphans | Burton, Robert
Campbell, John | Carlos, Archibald | Carrol, William | Carter, Jesse | Cochran, Alexander | Connally, John and Charles | Crisp, John | Croset, John
Davis, George Allen | Davis, Henry | Dickey, Daniel | Dixon, Charles | Dixon, Henry | Dixon, Martha Dixon, Robert | Dixon, Roger | Dixon, Tilman | Dobbin, Ann | Dobbin, Hugh | Dobbin, Rachael | Duncan, Daniel | Durham, Nathaniel
Elam, Barkley | Enoch, Andrew | Enoch, Benjamin | Enoch, Davidl | Enoch, Elizabeth | Enoch, Mary | Fanning, Hezekiah | Farley, Catharine | Farley, George | Farley, John J. | Farley, Stewart
Gelaspy, Ann | Gibson, Mary | Gillespie, William | Glashy, William | Grant, John | Grant, Neely | Graves, Azariah | Graves, Thomas | Green, Samuell | Gunn, Thomas
Haggard, Edmond | Hall, Judith, mother of Champness Hall | Hamblett, Richard | Haralson, Elkanah, orphans | Haralson, Nathaniel | Harrilson, Elijah | Harrison, John | Harrison, Thomas | Harriss, Christopher | Harris, Robert | Harris, Tyree | Hart, Davidl | Hart, Nathaniel | Hart, orphans | Hatcher, William | Hensler, William | Hepworth, John | Hightower, Charnal Hodge, John | Hogg, Gideon | Hornbuckle, Thomas | Hughes, John
Ingram, James | Ingram, Parnall Israel, Matthew | Johnston, John | Johnston, Samuell | Jouette, Elizabeth | Jouette, Washington | Kincher, Peggy | Knight, Joseph W.
Lay, Martha | Lay, Peter | Lay, Widdow | Lea, Gabriel | Lea, James | Leath, Charles | Leath, Freeman | Long, James
Mains, Matthew | Maler, Jacob Jr. | Mallory, John Sr. | Martin, James | Mason, Davidl | McIntosh, William | Meliar, John | Merrett, James Miles, Alexander | Mills, Edward | Mills, Jane | Mitchell, William | Montgomery, Michael | Moore, orphans | Moore, Elizabeth | Moore, John, estate | Moore, Mary, orphan | Moore, Mary Anderson | Moore, William | Morgan, William | Morton, Mesheck | Mullins, Jean | Mullins, John
Nicholson, Michael | Norman, Elizabeth | Otwell, William | Parks, Robert | Perkins, Abram | Perkins, John Jr. | Perkins, Pleasant | Perkins, Sally | Poole, Micajah | Porter, Davidl | Poston, Jeremiah Powell, John Quine, William
Rainey, William | Randolph, James | Ray, James | Reed, George | Rice, Hezekiah Rice, John | Rice, Thomas | Richardson, Moses | Richmond, Matthew | Roan, James | Rose, Alexander
Samuel, Anthony | Samuel, Archibald | Sanders, Abram | Scott, John | Seddall, John | Shackelford, Francis | Shearman, John | Shelton, Benjamin | Shy, John | Simmons, Thomas | Simpson, Mary | Slade, Thomas | Smith, James | Smith, Peter | Stephens, Boler | Summers, John
Tate, Ann | Tate, Waddy | Thomas, John | Thomas, William | Thornton, Peter | Van Hook, Thomas
Walker, Samuel | Wall, Buckner | Ware, William | Waters, Joseph | Wattington, Paul | Williams, Duke | Williams, Henry | Williams, Joseph | Williamson, James | Willson, William to Adam Landers | Wilson, Thomas | Windsor, John | Wisdom, Latkin | Womack, Abraham | Womack, John | Yates, James | Yates, John
Caswell County Wills, Estates, Deeds 1777 to 1783
Atkinson, John | Barnett, Robert | Brooks, Christopher | Brown, Isaac | Bumpass, Edward | Bumpass, Robert | Burton, Charles | Burton, Noel
Carman, John | Carter, Benjamin | Cartin, Richard | Cate, John | Clarke, Robert | Cochran, Abraham | Coleman, Alexander | Corder, William | Currie, James
Deweese, Jonathan | Dickson, Michael | Dix, James | Dixon, Charles | Dixon, Henry | Dixon, Henry, Lt. Colonel | Dobbin, Alexander | Dobbin, Hugh | Donaldson, Humphrey | Douglass, Thomas | Duncan, Daniel | Duty, Matthew
Edwell, Henry | Farley, Josiah | Farley, Moses | Farmer, Samuel | Frazer, John | Fuller, Nehemiah
Gatewood, Ambrose | Galseby, Alexander | Garrett, John | George, Sarah | Gibson, Andrew | Gibson, Anthony | Gold, Ephraim | Goodman, Benjamin | Grayham, James | Grayham, Robert | Gunn, John
Hamilton, Stephen | Haralson, Elkanah | Haralson, Ezekiel | Haralson, Nathaniel | Harris, John | Harrison, Elling | Hatchet, Timothy | Hayne, Richard | Hays, John | Hopper, Thomas | Huston, Robert
Irvin, John | Jesse, Henry | Johnston, John | Jones, Jesse | Jouett, Jonathan | Jouett, Mathew | Kellow, William | Kimbrow, Thomas | Lea, John | Logue, Ephraim
Mabery, Joseph | Mains, Mathew | Mawell, Mary | McDonald, Duncan | McFarland, Robert | Mitchel, David | Moore, Alexander | Moore, John | Moore, Robert | Moore, William | Moore, William to Robert Payne | Morris, Mathew | Muirhead, Claude
Neeley, William | Neill, Thomas | Nowell, Joel | Rainey, George | Rider, Benjamin | Robertson, Jacob | Robertson, Thomas | Robinson, David | Robinson, James Sr.| Robinson, Thomas
Samuel, Anthony | Sanders, James | Sargent, Joseph | Scott, John | Smith, George | Smith, John | Smith, Robert to William Glenn | Smithey, Nancy | Spencer, Thomas | Stansbury, Samuel | Starkey, Jonathan | Stinson, Alexander | Stokes, Susannah | Stringer, Edward | Stuart, James
Tapley, Hosea | Terry, James | West, James | Wilkerson, Douglass | Wilkinson, Samuel | Williams, Daniel | Williams, James | Winstead, Irwin | Winstead, Samuel | Womack, John | Yates, John
Caswell County Wills and other Records Available to Members of North Carolina Pioneers
Indexes to Wills, Estates, DeedsTaxable Property
- 1777 to 1783
- 1783 to 1791
- 1792 to 1800
Accountings of Estates
- 1783 (Inhabitants)
- 1787 to 1789
- 1790 (and Fines)
- 1792 to 1793
- 1794 (and Accounting)
- 1795
- 1797
Miscellaneous Records
- Oct 1796 Court
- Jan and July 1799 Court
- Jan and July 1800 Court
- Caswell County Deeds (trancribed)
- Browning, John, 1782 deed from the State of North Carolina Plat of Yanceyville (1839)
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