Friday, March 4, 2016

The Catawba Grape - Catawba Co. NC Wills, Estates #genealogy #northcarolinapioneers

Jeannette Holland AustinThe Catawba Grape
By Jeannette Holland Austin

The origins of the Catawba grape is believed to have been cultivated by native tribes along the river and territory occupied by the Catawba Indians. It is certainly one of the first native American grapes used in wine production and during the early 19th century was a popular grape for the wine industry. The fruit is agreeable to the palate, for jam, jelly or juice. Probably the most remembered is Nicholas Longworth of Cincinnati who founded the first successful winery in America. Longworth purchased Catawba cuttings and planted a vineyard along the Ohio River.

Catawba Grape

Longworth accidentally stumbled upon the sparkling wine production similar to the wines of Champagne. During the 1830s and 1850s, the Longworth sparkling Catawba was being distributed from California to Europe.

Catawba County Wills and Estates

Lake Catawba Catawba County, North Carolina was established from Lincoln County in 1842 and was named after the Catawba Indians who settled the area. During the 1700s, however, German Lutheran farmers brought in their families to set down roots for subsequent generations. Some of the earliest settlers were the Sherrills, Sigmans, Clines, Bost, Yoder, Yount, Fulbright, Robinson, Whitener, Ramsour and Hawn families. The county seat is Newton, North Carolina

Catawba Wills and Probate Records available to members of North Carolina Pioneers

Indexes to Wills
  • 1843 to 1868 ; 1868 to 1892; 1892 to 1907
Images of Wills 1843 to 1868

Abernathy, John | Abernathy, John D. | Abernathy, Robert | Abernathy, Samuel | Angel, Catharine Baker, Philip | Bargee, John | Barns, John | Barkley, Archibald C. | Barringer, H. A. | Bavey, William | Bellenger, L. | Bobb, Adam | Bost, Adolphus | Bost, Jonathan | Bost, L. E. | Brown, Joseph | Boyles, John | Braun, Thompson | Bridges, E. L. | Brindle, David | Brindle, William T. | Caldwell, John | Campbell, John | Carpenter, Joseph | Clay, Elizabeth | Cline, Barbra | Cline, Barnet | Cline, David | Cline, Henry | Cline, Susanah | Coburl, John | Coleman, Littleton W. | Connor, Cornelius | Cook, Elisha | Cook, Margaret | Cooper, Lydia | Cornelius, James | Coulter, Marlin | Deal, John | Deal, Miles | Deal, William S. | Deitz, Christian F. | Dellinger, Barbara | Dillon, Elizabeth | Drum, John | Earney, John | Edwards, John | Edwards, John W. | Ekard, Eli | Ferguson, Daniel | Finger, Daniel | Fish, Bryant | Flowers, Joseph | Francburg, Miles | Fraser, H. Y. | Fry, Catharine | Fry, John | Frye, Jonas A. | Fulbright, Elizabeth Gaither, J. S. | Gant, Theophilus | Greer, James | Gross, Adam | Hager, William | Haun, Anna Mary | Hawn, A. A. | Hawn, Frederick | Hawn, John | Hefner, Henry | Hefner, Jacob | Helderman, George C. | Herman, Barbara | Herman, George | Herman, Peter | Hettrick, Philip | Hill, Jacob | Hoke, Frederick | Hoke, Rebecca | Holdsclaw, James | Holdsclaw, Moses | Holdsclaw, Ruth | Hoss, Robert | Houston, Asenath | Houston, James M. M. | Howard, Georgia | Hudson, Daniel | Huffman, George | Huffman, Henry W. | Huffman, Joseph | Huit, Ambrose M. | Humsaker, Christian Isenhower, Joseph | Jackson, Margaret | Kale, Elisha | Kale, Ephraim | Kellar, Martin | Keller, Peter | Kibler, Michael | Killian, Noah W. Lantz, Jacob | Laurance, J. M. | Lawrence, Carlos E. | Lax, Moses | Lee, Reubin | Leonard, Daniel | Linebarger, Martin | Linn, Mary | Litten, Wesley | Little, James | Loftin, Susannah | Loretz, Eliza | Lowe, F. S. | Lowrance, Isaac | Lukes, Jacob | McCorkle, Alexander | McCorkle, Francis | McCorkle, W. S. | McHorde, Matthew | Miller, Adam | Miller, Ambrose | Miller, Daniel | Miller, Fanny | Miller, Frederick | Milligan, Rebecca | Mitchel, W. S. | Moore, James | Mull, Ezra | Norris, John | Norris, Jane | Null, Daniel | Null, Margaret | Peek, Cyrus | Pope, William | Rader, Caleb } Ramsour, David J. | Ramsour, John | Ramsour, Solomon | Rankin, William | Ray, John | Reed, Cyrus | Reed, James | Reinhardt, George | Rinck, Andrew | Robinson, David | Robinson, David S. | Robinson, Isaac | Robinson, Jethro | Robinson, John | Rowe, Joseph H. | Rowe, Peter | Rudisill, Manns H. | Rudisill, Philip | Rudisille, Michael Scarborough, Edward Setzer, George | Shell, Solomon | Sherril, Adam | Sherril, Mary | Sherill, Sarah | Sherrill, Abram | Sherrill, Elam A. | Sherrill, Hiram | Sherrill, Jeptha | Sherrill, John | Sherrill, Joshua | Sherrill, Lawson L. | Sherrill, Mahala | Sherrill, Nancy | Sherrill, Reubin | Sherrill, Rhennah | Sherrill, Wesley | Sherrill, W. P. | Shuford, Jacob | Sigman, Barbara | Sigman, George H. | Sigman, George Philip | Sigman, George Sr. | Sigman, Jethro | Sigman, Mary | Sigman, Polly | Sigman, Susan | Simman, Daniel | Sipe, Jacob | Sitton, William | Sitzer, John | Skerd, George | Smith, Abraham | Smith, John Sr. | Smith, Moses | Smyer, Logan Q. | Sterns, Mary | Stine, Catharine | Sullivan, Margaret Turner, James | Ward, Conrad | Weaver, Conrad | Weaver, David H. | Web, Mary Ann | Whisenhurst, John | Whitener, Andrew M. | Whitener, Daniel | Whitener, Jesse R. | Whitman, John B. | Whitmer, Henry | Wilkinson, James | Wilson, Andrew | Wilson, Elizabeth | Wilson, James | Wilson, John | Wilson, Joseph | Wilson, Margaret | Wilson, Nathaniel | Witherspoon, Thomas | Yoder, David | Yoder, Elizabeth, Sarah, Frances | Yount, Ann | Yount, E. L. | Yount, John

 Images of Catawba County Wills 1868 to 1897

Abernathy, Albert | Abernathy, Barbara | Abernathy, David | Abernathy, Miles | Abernathy, Miles S. | Abernathy, Robert | Allen, John | Anthony, Paul | Baker, David | Baker, G. H. | Baker, Henry | Bandy, Christina | Banney, Catharine V. R. | Barrenger, David | Beattie, Franklin | Beatly, Thomas | Bell, C. G., Mrs. | Bolch, Daniel | Bolcle, Andrew | Bolick, Rebecca | Bolick, Salina | Bost, Jonas | Bost, Joseph | Bost, Joseph (2) | Boyd, John | Bradley, Martha J. | Brady, Elbert | Bridges, Alfred | Brindle, Elizabeth | Burns, Philip Caldwell, F. | Caldwell, Henderson C. | Caldwell, William | Campbell, John D. | Cansler, John | Chapman, Nancy M. | Chapman, W. L. | Childress, Miles | Cline, Ephraim | Cline, Henry | Cline, William | Cloninger, Thomas | Coons, Adam | Cornelius, Austin | Coulter, E. P. | Cranford, Wilson | Crisman, Bettie Ann | Cronkleton, James Deal, Jonas | Dormer, Alexander | Drum, Barbara | Drum, Joshua L. | Drum, Mary | Ductar, Christian | Eckard, Barbary | Ekart, Solomon | Eller, Jeremiah | Ellis, James R. | Ervin, John B. | Finger, Daniel | Fish, Sidney | Fish, Susan | Fisher, Ann | Fisher, Joseph | Fisher, Solomon | Fox, David | Frazier, Hugh | Fry, Lawson | Fry, Marcus | Fry, Moses | Fry, Solomon | Fulbright, Catharine Fulbright, Joseph Gant, Jesse | Gant, Sally | Gilbert, Andrew | Gilleland, Thomas | Goble, Lewis | Goodson, Miles | Graham, Stephen | Gross, Anna Harris, Elizabeth | Harris, Elizabeth B. | Hartzoge, John | Harwell, Elsie | Harwell, James | Hawn, David | Hawn, Henry | Hawn, Moses | Heffner, William | Hefner, Solomon | Helton, Robert | Henderson, C. C. | Henkel, P. C. | Herbeson, Mary | Herman, Ephraim | Herman, John | Herman, Sallie M. | Hewit, William | Holdsclaw, John | Houston, Ann Virginia Lafayett | Houston, Robert B. B. | Howard, Ann | Howard, Freeman | Howard, William | Hoyle, Elizabeth D. | Hudson, Daniel | Huffman, Elijah | Huffman, George | Huffman, Jacob | Huffner, John | Hunsucker, David and Mary | Hunsucker, Joseph | Hunsucker, L. H. Hurt, Moses M. Ikerd, G. A. | Isenhour, Margaret | James, James | James, Mary M. | Jarrett, Mary | Jarrett, Samuel | Jones, Johnson M. Kale, Alanson | Kale, Nancy | Kenner, Daniel | Keaver, James | Keever, Sally Ann | Keller, Peter | Killian, Frederick | Killian, John Lenoir, Walter W. | Link, Michael | Lipe, John | Little, Daniel | Little, Jacob | Litten, H. P. | Loftin, James L. | Long, Rosanna C. | Lowrance, Caney M. | Lowrance, D. S. | Lowrance, Emeline | Luckey, Jane | Lutta, A. M. | Lutz, Jacob McAdams, William B. | McCaslin, Mathew | McCaul, Bedice | McCorkle, Elizabethl | McKnight, Joseph | Mehaffey, William L. | Miller, David | Miller, Jesse | Minges, Conrad | Moore, Alexander | Mostiller, Jacob | Mostiller, John | Mouser, Frederick | Munday, Joseph M. | Murphy, James | Murrill, John F. | Nangle, Sylvanus | Null, John Peterson, John | Propst, Jane M. Propst Rhoda L. Rader, Daniel | Ramsour, Elisha Reitzel, Christian Rhoney, James | Rhoney, John G. | Robinson, Benjamin | Robinson, Froney | Robinson, Henry W. | Robinson, Mary M. | Roseman, Daniel | Sapoch, Mary | Seats, John R. | Setzer, George | Setzer, Jacob | Setzer, Malinda | Shelton, David W. | Sherrill, Absa | Sherrill, Margaret, Mrs. | Sherrill, Miles | Sherrill, Sarah, Mrs. | Shook, Adam | Shook, Henry | Shook, Mary | Shuford, Andrew H. | Shuford, Elvin E. | Shuford, Jacob H. | Sigman, Abel | Sigman, Jacob J. | Sigman, Marcus Lafayette | Stiles, William | Smyre, Daniel | Smyre, Elias | Speagle, David | Starr, Eli | Summer, John | Summerow, Noah Turner, Leah Malinda | Ward, John | Warlick, Catharine A. | Warlick, David E. | Warlick, Peter | Weaver, Absalom | Weves, Adam | Whisenhunt, Daniel | Whitener, Betsey | Whitener, Dan B. | Whitener, Eliza | Whitener, George | Whitener, Joseph | Whitener, Moses | Wike, Delilah | Wike, J. A. | Wilfong, B. E. L. | Wilfong, John | Wilkinson, G. M. | Wilkinson, Letisha | Wilson, J. G. | Wilson, Joseph A. | Wilson, Lysander | Wilson, Mathew | Woodford, Sarah W. | Yoder, Elizabethl | Yoder, Francis | Yoder, Marcus | Yoder, Michael | Yount, Ephraim | Young, J. H. A. | Yount, Noah | Yount, P. L.

Images of Catawba County Wills 1892 to 1907

Abernathy, A. F. | Abernathy, Joe | Abernathy, Osburn | Barringer, Noah | Ballard, Fannie | Bandy, William | Barkley, Robert | Beard, James | Bernheim, H. H. | Bolch, Sally | Bolick, Jane | Bollick, May Ann | Bost, Jesse | Bournwell, James | Boyd, Marcus T. | Brady, George A. | Brims, J. H. | Brotherton, Hugh | Brown, Anderson A. | Brown, Calvin | Brown, James | Brown, J. G. | Burns, Eli | Butler, M. E. | Bynum, George

Caldwell, A. J. | Caldwell, Levi J. | Cansler, G. W. and J. E. | Carpenter, D. W. | Carpenter, Jacob | Carpenter, John | Clapp, J. C. | Clark, Alexander | Cline, Ann Mary | Cline, Betty Ann | Cline, Dinah R. | Cline, Franklin | Cline, George | Cloninger, Noah | Cobb, William Rufus | Conner, Elizabethl | Cook, Polly | Cook, Sophia | Cook, William | Corpengrang, Albert | Cunningham, John W.

Deitz, Henry C. | Deitz, Lazarus | Dellinger, Archibald C. | Drum, S. Peter | Edwards, James L. | Edwards, Miles | Edwards, Robert P. | Elliott, E. O. | Elliott, E. O. (1892) | Ervin, Thomas H.

Finger, J. F. | Finger, Sarah Rhyne | Finger, S. M. | Fisher, Simpson | Flemming, Fannie Read | Flemming, Rebecca Millie | Forney, H. A. | Fox, Sallie | Fry, Abel | Fry, Jacob | Fry, Marcus L. | Fulbright, Elizabethl

Gabriel, J. M. | Gabriel, M. M. | Gall,Christian C. | Gantt, Evan | Gilleland, Camila | Green, Perceda | Haithcock, Eaton | Hamilton, H. C. | Hartman, Catherine | Hawn, Anna P. | Hawn, Daniel | Hawn, Jesse | Hawn, John Sr. | Hawn, Jonas | Hawn, Jonas (1898) | Hefner, Daniel | Hefner, Polly | Herman, Elijah | Herman, Frank L. | Hicks, Miles | Hickson, Edward | Hildebrand, P. M. | Hoke, David R. | Hoke, F. A. | Holderman, Frances | Holler, Andrew | Hoover, Adolphus | Houk, Harrison | Huffman, Davidson C. | Huston, Alexander Hamilton

Isaac, Levi | James, Lee L. | Jones, William E. | Joseph, Charles | Kale, Logan L. | Kale, Loranzia | Kanipe, Ellen J. | Keever, Wheeler M. | Killian, Harriett C. | Killian, Jesse | Killian, L. S. | Lair, Polly | Lineberger, Frederick H. | Lineburger, H. H. | Lore, Andrew | Lutz, Daniel A. | Lutz, Laban

Marshall, Gabriel | Mason, Alice Pegram | Mauney, William Pinkney | McCaul, Peter Grundie | McCorkle, John Macon | McCorkle, Mathew Locke | McKenzie, R. M.| Mead, Edwin H. | Miller, Catharine Barbary | Miller, J. F. M. | Miller, Joel | Miller, Julian | Miller, Martha S. | Moore, Joseph H. | Moser, George H. | Mosteller, Harriet | Mosteller, Luther | Mullen, Arthur | Munday, J. S. | Murray, C. W.

Parke, Hervey C. | Propst, Absalom | Propst, Mary Magdalene | Propst, Rebecca | Raby, W. M. R. | Ramsay, J. Alston | Reinhardt, John J. | Reinhardt, William R. | Rhodes, Caleb | Rhoney, William | Rhyne, Susan C. | Rinck, Ephraim | Robinson, John W. | Robinson, L. D. | Robinson, Manuel | Rockett, John R. | Rowe, D. L. | Rowe, John Dallas | Rowe, Linnie L. | Royster, O. M. | Rudisill, Barbara Eliza | Rudisill, Fannie L. | Rudisill, J. F. | Rufty, M.

Seaboch, Jacob A. | Seagle, Thomas J. | Seitz, Abel | Seitz, Clarisa | Setzer, Reuben | Sherrill, Elitha | Sherrill, I. Newton | Sherrill, J. A. | Sherrill, Susan E. | Shipp, R. J. | Shuford, Macon H. | Sigman, Aaron Y. | Sigman, Amon | Sigman, Rhoda C. | Smyer, W. A. | Starr, Catherine | Stiles, Susan | Stine, A. J. | Stirewall, Emeline | Suttlemyre, Harvel S.

Travis, Levi T. | Tucker, Fannie S. | Walker, Martha J. | Wezen, Carl J. | White, William Pinkney | Whitener, A. J. | Whitener, Benjamin F. | Whitener, Eli | Whitener, Hosea | Whiteside, Eleanor | Whitener, John | Whitener, Laban S. | Whitener, Mary C. | Wiggs, Lucy J. | Wike, Mary C. | Williams, Martha S. | Williams, William | Wilson, Elizabeth S. | Wilson, John E. | Wilson, Marcus M. | Winebarger, Martha Ann | Witherspoon, Joseph A. | Wood, Alexander Austin | Wood, Joseph L.

Yoder, Annie | Yount, Andrew | Yount, Cynthia | Yount, Jemima | Yount, Lana, Mrs. | Yount, Lawson H. | Yount, Leah | Yount, Margaret R.| Young, C. E.

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