Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Gaston Co. NC Images of Wills and Estates. Easy to read online. Discover your Ancestors now!

Gaston County NC Wills and Estates See names on North Carolina Pioneers

GastoniaThe first settlers to in the Catawba and Cherokee region were in the region by the mid 1700s and were of German, Dutch, English, and Scotch-Irish origin. A fort was constructed along the Catawba and South Fork Rivers, however, most of the Cherokees had left by 1770 and the Catawba Indians removed to Fort Mill, South Carolina. Gaston County was founded in 1846 and named for William Gastson, a Congressman and North Carolina Supreme Court justice. The original commissioners of the county were ordered to establish a county seat within two miles of the Long Creek Baptist Meeting House, and they named the seat Dallas, in honor of Vice President George Dallas. Yet, a popular 1911 vote made Gastonia the county seat. Bessemer City, Cherryville, High Shoals, Lowell, McAdenville, Ranlo, Stanley, Spencer, and Mount Holly are other communities within the boundaries of Gaston County. The county seat is Gastonia (pictured).

Gaston County Wills and other Records Available to Members of North Carolina Pioneers

Images of Gaston County Wills 1847 to 1867
Testators: Armstrong, Mary ; Armstrong, William ; Arrowood, David ; Beattie, Esther ; Bell, John ; Black, Stephen; Blackwood, Joseph; Brison, John ; Caldwell, Samuel Lee ; Carpenter, David ; Cloninger, Adam; Craft, Michael ; Eaker, Daniel ; Edleman, Peter ; Ewing, Jabez ; Falls, Andrew; Falls, Mary R. ; Ferguson, James ; Ferguson, Thomas ; Ferguson, William M. ; Ford, Sarah ; Forgus, Elizabeth ; Gingles, Samuel ; Gullick, Milton ; Hanks, Thomas ; Hanner, Thomas ; Henderson, William ; Henkle, Hannah ; Hill, Ann ; Holland, Franklin H. ; Holland, Isaac; Holland, Martha; Holland, Mary C. ; Howel, Ellis; Hoyl, Andrew ; Jenkins, Ann ; Johnston, Robert ; Knox, John ; Lidell, John ; Linebarger, John; Love, Andrew ; Love, Mary ; MacLean, Thomas ; McClure, James ; McCullough, Robert; Mellon, Jonathan ; Moore, Lee A.; Neely, John; Oats, Thomas; Ormand, Benjamin; Rankin, Alexander ; Robinson, Margaret ; Robinson, Samuel ; Rutledge, George; Rhyne, John; Rhyne, Michael ; Rudasill, Susannah ; Self, William; Shipp, Elizabeth W.; Smith, John ; Smith, John (2) ; Smith, Robert ; Stowe, Larkin ; Stroup, Hosea ; Stroup, Jacob ; Stroup, Jonas; Stroup, Lawson ; Torrence, Ephraim ; Torrence, Jamison F. ; Wells, Featherston ; White, James ; Whitesides, John ; Whitesides, Wallace ; Wilson, Margaret ; Wilson, Mary A. ; Wilson, William
Images of Wills 1869 to 1898
Testators: Abernathy, J. A. ; Abernathy, James; Abernathy, Marion ; Abernathy, Miles; Abernathy, Starling; Adams, Margaret; Aderholdt, Barbara; Aderholt, David; Armstrong, Mathew ; Armstrong, M. R. ; Armstrong, Visa; Baldwin, Nancy L.; Barnhill, Mary A.; Beattie, Francis ; Beattie, James O. ; Beattie, Samuel ; Bell, Susan; Best, Samuel; Bissell, Edward; Black, Alfred and Mary; Black, Vincent; Blackwood, Ann; Blackwood, Elizabeth; Blackwood, Gideon; Blackwood, Jane; Blackwood, Leander ; Blackwood, Margaret; Boyd, Robert M.; Bradley, Albert ; Bradley, Alexander S.; Bradley, Joseph W. ; Bradley, Mitchell; Bradley, Rebecca; Broadway, Whiten; Brock, Jonas ; Bryson, Jane; Carpenter, A. W.; Carpenter, Sally; Carroll, Margaret ; Carson, James M.; Carson, Joseph ; Carson, Robert ; Cathey, Elizabeth; Clark, William ; Clemmer, Levi ; Clenenger, Fanny; Cleninger, Jonas ; Cleninger, Moses ; Combust, David ; Connell, Mary Ellen ; Connell, Robert ; Connell, Sarah; Connors, William F. ; Costner, Catharine ; Costner, Simon P. ; Craig, Robert H. ; Craft, J. P. ; Crow, John; Dameron, John ; Davenport, A. W.; Dellinger, Tempy; Derr, Silvey G. ; Dickson, William ; Eaker, David ; Ewing, Hugh F.; Ferguson, James; Findlay, Elizabeth; Finley, Ann M. ; Finley, Melissa Jane; Friday, David ; Friday, Ephraim; Friday, J. N. ; Froneberger, John; Gamble, Joseph; Garrett, Malvina ; Gingles, Dorcas; Glenn, E. L.; Grier, Margaret M. ; Groves, N. E. ; Hager, Lawson S. ; Hager, William ; Hall, J. D. ; Hampton, Celeste B. ; Hanks, Elizabeth; Harrelson, James F.; Harrelson, William ; Harrison, John ; Henderson, J. Newton ; Henderson, W. B.: Hill, William; Hines, Daniel; Holland, E. B. ; Holland, Robert; Hovis, Sarah ; Huffstetler, H. B.; Hutchinson, Charles L. ; Jenkins, D. A. ; Jenkins, Harrison ; Jenkins, Lodema; Jenkins, Smith; Johnston, S. X. ; Kiser, Jacob; Kiser, Levi ; Kiser, Susannah ; Leeper, Arthur ; Lineberger, David ; Lineberger, Lewis ; Love, Jennet ; Love, Naomi ; Manney, Caleb; McAlister, Elisha ; McBee, Sarah; McClurd, R. L.; McCready, James; McCready, William; McGill, Thomas; McKee, Pina S. ; McLean, John D.; McLean, Margaret ; McNair, Nancy ; Mendenhall, John J. ; Mendenhall, Margaret ; Nantaz, W. J. ; Neal, Sarah; Nealy, Sarah L.; Nolen, William; O'Connell, J. J. ; Ormond, John J. Jr. ; Ormond, Zenos ; Parrish, W. N.; Pasvur, George J. ; Patterson, William; Pearson, William; Perkins, Isaac ; Perry, Edward; Quinn, Eliza E. ; Quinn, James; Quinn, John W. ; Rankin, John E. ; Rankin, John ; Ratchford, Esther; Ratchford, Joseph; Ratchford, Robert; Reede, Elizabeth; Rhyne, Daniel; Rhyne, Eslie ; Rhyne, Jacob E. ; Rhyne, Jacob H. ; Rhyne, Jacob K. ; Rhyne, Moses H. ; Rudisill, Emanuel ; Rutledge, A. R. ; Rutledge, James; Ryborne, Andrew ; Scott, Ebenezer ; Shannon, James; Smith, Benjamin; Smith, James R. ; Smith, J. W. ; Smith, Martha; Smith, Mary A. ; Stowe, Elizabeth; Stroup, Caleb; Stroup, Moses ; Suggs, M. I. ; Summerson, Susan ; Tarvin, Rachel W. ; Therron, John; Thomas, Rebecca ;Thomas, Samuel ; Thomasson, D. W. ; Torrence, Harrison A. ; Torrence, Robert; Wallace, Mary E. ; Wallace, Sarah and William W. ; Warlick, Lyda ; Wells, Burrel F. ; Wells, David; White, Elizabeth R. ; White, James F. ; White, James H.; White, Mary C. ; White, Mary ; Whitesides, Margaret ; Whitesides, Mary ; Whitesides, W. T. ; Wilson, Ezra ; Wilson, Mary M. and Wilson, Robert;
Images of Wills 1898 to 1916
Testators: Adams, Jane Caroline ; Aden, Giles M. (probate) ; Anthony, A. M.; Armstrong, Clarissa ; Armstrong, George M. ; Armstrong, Margaret E. ; Arrowood, William ; Banister, Sarah ; Bayer, E. E.; Beam, D. C. ; Bell, Rosa C. ; Bell, Wiley ; Bell, William ; Berry, Nancy J.; Beatty, Eleanor ; Blackwood, James M. ; Blackwood, Mary J. ; Blackwood, William R. ; Bradford, William T. ; Brimer, C. P. ; Brison, Benjamin ; Broadaway, William ; Brown, J. L. ; Bryson, John F. ; Burk, Monroe ; Caldwell, R. A. ; Cannon, John F. ; Carpenter, B. F.; Carpenter, Dicey L. ; Carpenter, Fannie L.; Carpenter, Henry ; Carpenter, J. E. ; Carrington, Edwin T.; Carroll, Sarah E.; Carson, Margaret Elizabeth ; Carson, M. E. ; Carson, Rufus W.; Cathey, Morris ; Clark, Elizabeth ; Clark, Mary A.; Cole, Florence M.; Connell, James H. ; Costner, Jess H. ; Costner, John W. ; Costner, Mary Zoe ; Costner, Michael H. ; Costner, S. P. ; Costner, Susan Emeline ; Cox, Eli ; Davis, I. N.; Davis, W. L. ; Dellinger, Harriett ; Dellinger, Isabella ; Dewstoe, Martin; Dickson, O. C. ; Eaker, John ; Eaker, Margaret ; Elmsmore, Mary ; Falls, Thomas L.; Farley, Augustus; Farley, Janett; Farrar, Nathaniel; Farris, Margaret; Fite, Mary ; Fite, Rufus ; Flonk, Jacob; Flonk, Sallie; Foster, Elizabeth; Friday, Rufus ; Froneberger, Anna May ; Froneberger, Falls; Froneberger, Namay; Gamble, A. J.; Glenn, E. M. ; Glenn, Margaret M. ; Glenn, Mary Lavina ; Glenn, Martha M. ; Glenn, William D.; Glove, R. C. ; Gray, George A.; Gray, John E. ; Greenwell, Thomas William ; Gullick, Jane ; Gullick, John A. ; Hall Mary Ellen; Hall, W. T. ; Hand, Alfred F. ; Hand, Laura ; Hand, S. J.; Hanna, Thomas M. ; Hanna, William D. ; Hargrove, W. W.; Harris, T. P. ; Harris, William C. ; Harrison, Julia A. ; Heavner, Mary E. ; Henderson, Abier ; Henderson, Andy R. ; Henderson, Martha P. ; Henderson, Roxana; Herron, Elizabeth ; Hill, Rufus S. ; Hoffman, E. L.; Hoffman, Jonas ; Hoffman, M. P. ; Hoffman, W. C. B.; Hogue, Wade ; Holland, Julia Courts ; Homesley, Benjamin S. ; Homesley, James; Hord, Marion ; Howe, Margaret Elizabeth ; Jackson, Thomas; Jamieson, Mary L.; Jenkins, Annie ; Jenkins, Edward ; Jenkins, Jonas ; Jenkins, Joseph ; Jenkins, William ; Johnson, Laban ; Johnson, L. D. ; Johnston, Julia W. ; Johnston, Ural G. ; Jones, John E. ; Kendrick, Mary; Kennedy, James J. ; Kennedy, J. J. ; Kennedy, Nannie L.; Kincaid, J. R.; Kiser, Barbara ; Lackey, Fannie ; Lackey, G. W.; Leeper, F. W. ; Lentz, Paul ; Lineberger, David A. ; Lineberger, P. J.; Lineberger, Sarah ; Lineberger, Monroe ; Love, N. L.; Manney, M. J. ; Mauney, Jane; Mauney, Wiley ; McLean, Martha ; McNair, Jane; McNaire, Margaret ; Miller, Bell ; Miller, Catherine V. ; Miller, Margaret; Miller, Mary C. ; Miller, Robert A. Sr. ; Mitchem, Harriet ; Moore, James Walter; Morrow, R. H.; Moss, N. H. ; Moten, W. R. ; Nantz, Reeves ; Neagle, J. P.; Ormand, Ann; Ormand, B. M. ; Ormand, R. D.; Orrender, W. W. ; Parks, Ann ; Patrick, James Leander; Pegram, Edwin Larkin ; Pegram, T. C. ; Petty, C. Q.; Plume, Frederick; Pool, M. A. Sr. ; Price, Elizabeth; Prior, James ; Pryor, Eliza B.; Pryor, Mary Perlina ; Rankin, Erastus ; Rankin, Mack ; Rankin, W. D.; Ransom, Nancy; Rankin, R. P. ; Ratchford, Eliza; Ray, Thomas ; Reynolds, Matthew ; Rhyne, Alburtus; Rhyne, Mary C.; Richards, William; Riddle, George L. ; Riddle, Joseph ; Riddle, Mary J.; Robinson, Ann ; Robinson, E. J. ; Robinson, William M. ; Ross, Lidda; Sadler, Susan ; Shaw, Catherine J. ; Sherrill, William C. ; Shives, G. M. ; Sloan, Elmina Spring ; Smith, Catherine ; Smith, C. F. ; Smith, John B. ; Smith, L. C.; Sparrow, Susan S.; Spencer, William H. ; Sprott, Mary A. ; Stewart, Rebecca ; Stowe, C. T. ; Stowe, J. L. ; Stroup, Addie A. ; Stroup, Andrew ; Stroup, Belle ; Stroup, Israel R.; Suggs, L. L. ; Sumerow, Henry ; Tate, Margaret L. ; Thomas, John F. ; Thomas, Sarah A. ; Thomas, W. R. ; Thornburg, Daniel ; Thornburg, David S. ; Thornburg, Moses ; Titman, Ann C. ; Torrence, Crown ; Torrence, Ladusky ; Torrence, M. M. S. ; Underwood, David ; Walker, David M. ; Watterson, Rebecca ; Welch, Louis P. ; White, J. C. and Barbara ; White, Robert A.; Whitworth, Titus; Wilson, John F. ; Wilson, Margie ; Wilson, Thomas ; Winder, John C. ; Withers, Sue S.
Miscellaneous Wills
  • Rutledge, George, LWT (1850), transcript
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