Monday, September 27, 2010

Lowest Membership Price to Georgia Pioneers

You have the advantage of being a subscriber of this blog. This month we offer you the lowest membership price possible ($100.00 for 4 years) to Georgia Pioneers

Georgia Pioneers is currently the largest Georgia genealogy website on the internet and is nearing its completion of digitizing the first Will book of each county, plus indexes to other estate records. Images of the original documents should be complete in about a month. The work saves the researcher some time in knowing whether or not his ancestor is in specific county records. Also, the site contains hundreds of genealogies, bible records, military records, gedcom files, notes, obituaries (1740 to ca 1930), cemetery databases, and so on. 

Due to costs to complete this project, the site will have to increase its membership price. If you interested, in taking advantage of the great deal we are offering you now, please click here Big Time Deal

Incidentially, on October 1, 2010, the Georgia State Archives will only be open 3 days a week, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. This is due to budget cuts and a reduction in staff. 

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