Monday, May 3, 2010

Farrar of Greensboro

Farrar Family of Virginia and North Carolina
By Jeannette Holland Austin

The Farrar family of North Carolina descends from William Farrar (1594-1637), son of Nicholas (1546-1620) and his wife, Mary Woodenoth Farrar(died 1635) who came from England in 1618 and settled in Virginia. He was a member of the Council from 1623 to 1833. William was married to Cicely (died 1623), a widow of Capt. Samuel Jordan of "Jourdan's Journey." Dr. Mont Royal FarrarDr. Mont Royal Farrar (1872-1929), son of William Bingham Farrar (above) resided in Greensboro, North Carolina. He was married in 1905 to Annie Lawrence Pleasants (born 1874). He practiced medicine in Greensboro, North Carolina and Nashville, Tennessee; served as First Lieu. in the Med Corps USA in 1917; promoted to captain in 1918; discharged in 1920. His service included a tour of duty at Ft. Moultire, South Carolina with the Coast Arty, Jackson Barracks, LA., Camp Wadsworth, SC, Camp Dix, NJ and Fox Hills, NY; oversears for one year. He received a medal for war service from France; also a medal from the State of North Carolina U. D. C. as S. C. V.

Sources: The Compendium of American Genealogy Subscribers of North Carolina Pioneers can see the full genealogy under Genealogies

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