Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Images of Wilkes Co. NC Wills and Estates 1778 to 1799 #ncgenealogy #northcarolinapioneerscom

Images of Wilkes County Wills and Estates 1778 to 1799

Names of Testators:
  1. Alexander, Dolley
  2. Alexander, Jesse
  3. Bagby, John
  4. Baldwin, Elisha
  5. Baldwin, John
  6. Barnes, John
  7. Brown, Gabriel
  8. Brown, George
  9. Brown, James
  10. Brown, John
  11. Clayton, Henry
  12. Cleveland, Benjamin
  13. Coffee, Joel
  14. Cornelius, Mary
  15. Downey, James
  16. Dodson, John
  17. Dyer, Elisha
  18. Edmonton, James
  19. Fletcher, James
  20. Foster, John
  21. Freeman, James
  22. Garrison, Isaac
  23. Green, Ann
  24. Glover, Benjamin
  25. Gordon, Charles
  26. Gray, John
  27. Green, Joshua
  28. Grier, John
. . . more . . .

Index to North Carolina Wills and Estates

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